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Camping in the flattops wilderness of nw colorado

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike."
John Muir
CAMPING...It's such a broad topic that it likely means something different to almost anyone who uses or hears the word. Our objective here is to put together resources that will get you out camping just about any way you want.
You might be someone who would never dream of backpacking back to a campsite that wouldn't have running water or a bathroom. Our site will give you ideas for your kind of camping too.
Or, you might be someone for whom the idea of being in a campground with lots of people just isn't your idea of fun or relaxation. We get that too.
The truth is, for me, depending on who I've been going with, some of each of these styles has been called for. I have my preferences, but I will keep that to myself. Even if the camping method hasn't been my favorite, we have almost always had a great time.
We have, as a family had some adventures and misadventures when camping. Some of the articles written here stem from our own direct experiences. Others, are articles written about the skills necessary for certain things, where we've had to do some research and learn right along with the reader.
So, our goal here at family-outdoors.com isn't to convince you to do anything other than get out and enjoy the great outdoors - hopefully with your family. We will try to make our resources relevant and easy to put into practice. If you have ideas for articles you'd like to see, tap the "Contact Us" button towards the bottom. We'd love to hear from you!