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campfire in mountains

Campfire in the Mountains

GPS unit - for some an indispensable outdoor tool for camping and hiking


At Family-Outdoors, we try to put the information into your hands so that you will have the necessary skills to enjoy the outdoors without breaking your family budget. These tips are a mixture of practical camping ideas and ideas for making camping affordable. This keeps with our philosophy at Family-Outdoors.


The actual camping trip will be greatly enhanced by having some basic skills. We know for busy families and parents, spending time acquiring these camping skills might seem burdensome.  So, maybe just set it as a goal to learn a few things before each trip.  Just some forethought will help you a lot.


Basic tips like building a campfire, sharpening your ax or hatchet, and camping safely with black bears are very important to all of us who seek to enjoy nature to its fullest. We hope these tips are beneficial to you, and that they make your next trip the best it can be.


These resources address, or will address the following skill areas:

  1. Preparation (Planning and Packing)

  2. Safety (First Aid and general considerations)

  3. Navigation-Maps, Compass Basics, and GPS

  4. Food-Cooking, Storage, and Safety

  5. Fire Starting-Campfires

  6. 5 Necessary Knots

  7. Fun Camping Activities


If you have a thought on a skill area not mentioned or addressed, use the Contact Us button at the bottom right of this page. We'd love to hear your thoughts!!!

Family-Outdoors Camping Tips Articles

A First Aid Kit is a basic requirement for keeping your family safe when camping or in the outdoors

A good first aid kit is a must have!!!

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