Mastering Campfire Building: Essential Skills for Survival in All Weather Conditions
Building a campfire is more than just a practical skill; it's a time-honored tradition that connects us with the primal essence of outdoor living. Whether you're camping under the stars or facing a survival situation in the wilderness, the ability to build and keep a fire going is vital for warmth, cooking, signaling in emergency scenarios, and morale strong (perhaps the most important skill in survival scenarios). In this guide, we'll explore the fundamentals of building campfires and getting fires started in all weather conditions, providing you with the knowledge and confidence to thrive in any outdoor scenario.
Building a Campfire:
Choose a Suitable Location: Selecting the right location for your campfire is the first step in ensuring safety and minimizing your impact on the environment - always try to adhere as closely as possible to the Leave no Trace Ethic. Choose a flat, open area away from overhanging branches, dry vegetation, and combustible materials. Clear the area of debris and create a fire ring or pit using rocks or a fire pan to contain the flames and prevent them from spreading. Ideally, if you are choosing a wilderness campsite, you'll pick a spot with a suitable fire location.
Gather Firewood: Gather a variety of firewood in different sizes and that are as dry as possible to fuel your campfire effectively. Look for dry, seasoned wood from dead trees or fallen branches, as green or damp wood will produce excessive smoke and be hard to get started and keep burning. Collect tinder, kindling, and firewood in sufficient quantities to keep the fire going throughout the night or cooking session.
Build a Fire Structure: There are several methods/strategies for building a campfire, including teepee, log cabin, and lean-to structures. There are pros and cons to each, but pick one and become proficient and you'll be fine. Choose a method that suits your needs and available resources. The basic idea for each begins the same way. Start by arranging tinder, such as dry leaves, grass, or shredded bark, in the center of the fire ring. Gradually add kindling in a teepee or log cabin formation, leaving space for airflow to ignite the fire easily. The airflow component is critical...more is often not better!
Start the Fire: Use a reliable ignition source to ignite the tinder and start the fire. Common options include matches, lighters, ferrocerium rods, or fire starters. Try to ignite the tinder at multiple points to make sure you get even combustion and rapid ignition of the kindling. Once the fire is established, gradually add larger pieces of wood to keep the flames going and maintain a steady burn.
Starting a Fire in Survival Situations:
Prioritize Shelter and Protection: In survival situations, shelter and protection from the elements come before building a fire. Seek and/or create shelter from wind, rain, snow, or extreme temperatures, heat or cold, before you worry about fire building. Take advantage of natural shelters such as caves, rock overhangs, or fallen trees, or construct improvised shelters using available materials like branches, leaves, and tarps.
Collect Dry Tinder and Kindling: In poor weather conditions, finding dry tinder and kindling can be a challenge, but essential for starting a fire. Look for sheltered areas or natural windbreaks where dry vegetation, bark, or twigs may have accumulated naturally. Scrape away wet outer layers of bark or split larger branches to access dry inner wood. Use a knife or sharp tool to turn tinder and kindling into small, pieces for easy ignition.
Use Fire Starters and Accelerants: In wet or windy conditions, using fire starters or accelerants can help get that fire going more quickly and reliably. Having an accelerant/fire starter really could mean success or failure and maybe life or death. Carry waterproof matches, butane lighters, or commercial fire starters in your survival kit for emergencies. Also, consider using accelerants such as cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly (Vaseline), alcohol-based hand sanitizer, or dryer lint coated in wax to enhance the fire's ignition and sustainment.
Build a Windbreak and Fire Bed: When starting a fire in windy conditions, build a windbreak to shield the flames and prevent them from being extinguished by gusts of wind. Use natural materials like rocks, logs, or snow to create a protective barrier around the fire site. Build up a fire bed or platform using dry rocks or logs to elevate the fire above wet or snowy ground and promote airflow into and throughout your fire for better combustion. Spending a few minutes here makes a great difference in getting that fire going.​
Conclusion: Mastering the art of building campfires and starting fires in all weather conditions is a basic skill for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists alike. It's a skill that has not come naturally for me, but with practice and research, I've become passably proficient. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely camping trip or facing the challenges of a survival situation, the ability to create and maintain a fire provides warmth, comfort, and sustenance in the wilderness. By following these essential tips and techniques, you can build confidence in your fire-building skills and embrace the timeless tradition of gathering around the campfire under the vast expanse of the night sky.
As part of a family adventure, we feel these skills are essential to safety and enjoyment. Take the time to learn and practice so you are ready to go, and to pass these skills to to your children.