Hunting Page
"The emotions that good hunters need to cultivate are love and service more than courage. The sentiments of the hunt then become translated into art."
James Swan, In Defense of Hunting

Hunting is a great way to get into the outdoors and can also be a great way to put food on the table. For many families, hunting is an integral part of their relationships and lives.
We have tried to put together information to help families and individuals get out and enjoy themselves whiile hunting. You will find commonsense information on gear, places to go, and hunting tips.
Hunting is a recreational activity, a manner of putting food on the table, and a part of the shared culture of traditional America. There are some who assert that hunters do not have respect for the welfare of the animal kingdom in our natural world. Indeed there are a few hunters out there who do give all hunters somewhat of a black eye.
However, the rest of us who form the majority of hunters and who are ethical in our actions, do what we can to engage in this activity in a manner that provides food for our families and forms an important aspect of our lives. The practice and evolution of becoming a skilled, knowledgeable, and ethical hunter is a lifelong process.
At Family-Outdoors, from the very early days of our site, we set it as our goal to provide knowledge for all parts of the sporting public. This means we endeavor to put forth helpful articles and resources for the novice hunter to the expert in the field. The reality is that none of us are experts in all fields of hunting, so we here at Family-Outdoors continue to evolve ourselves.
We started off providing information primarily on the hunting activities that we were doing in the places where we were doing it. That meant that the vast majority of our hunting articles and resources were devoted to hunting deer and turkey in Missouri. As time has passed by, we have received submissions of articles on other hunting endeavors in other regions of the United States. Also, we have expanded our repertoire into other hunting activities and areas. Thus, we have also contributed additional work to the site that we hope will be helpful
Some of these additional hunting directions have included small game tips, waterfowl hunting, hunting resources for our neighboring state of Kansas, and more. Over time we will certainly be adding to this bank of information.
Like the other main sections of our site (Camping and Fishing), we have subdivided our articles into Hunting Tips, Hunting Places, and Hunting Gear.
Essentially, our Hunting Tips section is designed to give you the in-the-field skills you need to engage in hunting for various game. We have also provided hunting safety information as we do have the well-being or our readers in mind as well. Hunting is actually a very safe activity if some basic safety principles are observed.
Our Hunting Places section is designed to provide assistance in finding places to do what we love to do. This guidance includes both specific and general information. For example, we have an article on using Google Earth to find places to hunt. We also have directories of public hunting places.
Our Hunting Gear section is designed to provide some assistance in gear selection. If you are looking for a comprehensive gear checklist for hunting, we do have a great one, as well as gear maintenance advice and more.
Family-Outdoor Hunting Articles